One of my closest friends from high school, Brett Millican, is a pastor in Austin, Texas. As the role of pastor he has many opportunities to mentor others, especially our youth. Back in September last year he shared this awesome story with me about him and one of the students he mentors. It truly inspired me and so I wanted to share it with all of you. Read Below, it’s called “Deja Vu”.
“It’s been 16 years since I tore my ACL
while playing football at the University of
Georgia, but I can remember that
moment like it was yesterday. A routine
toss play to the left, I planted my left foot
to make a cut and ‘Pop’, I had blown out
my knee. In the moment I was
devastated, but shortly after my little pity
party God told me that my injury was
meant for His glory and that He was
going to have me back on the field in a
time frame that would amaze the
Of course my doctor smirked and gave
me one of those ‘if that helps you sleep
at night then good for you’ kind of pats
on the shoulder when I told him what
God had said. “You’ll be back in 9
months if we’re lucky, and most likely 12
months is typical,” I was told. So, when I
was back running, cutting and fully
participating in drills and workouts only
two-and-a-half months later guess what
Dr. Robinson’s response was. Yep…he
couldn’t explain it and was forced to
admit, at least to me, that there must be
a God who has the power to heal.
You know many times, God allows
things to happen in our lives that we
don’t like. In those moments we are
tempted to shake our fists at the
heavens and remind God of all the good
we’ve done and how much He owes us.
But, if we can, in those moments, just
remember that God has already
demonstrated His love for us in Christ,
then maybe, just maybe, we’ll be open
to not just what God wants to do in that
moment, but also how God might use
that moment to impact a dozen
moments for years to come.
Fast forward those 16 years and you’ll
see exactly what I mean. You may
remember my friend Nick, a Senior
student in Elevate. He was touted to
have an amazing Senior season this year
in football as a wide-receiver. He had
college recruiters talking to him during
Spring practice back in May and his
future was looking very bright. That is
until making a routine catch and run, he
planted is foot to make a cut and ‘Pop’
tore his ACL. In that moment all of his
hopes and dreams sank into the pit of
his stomach. But, as he tells the story,
just minutes after injuring his knee, Nick
was reminded of my story which I had
shared with him before . He
remembered how God was glorified in
my injury and instantly he prayed, “God
be glorified in this injury as well.”
Nick called me that afternoon to tell me
what had happened. Already with
resolve in his voice, Nick told me, “I want
God to do in me what he did in you,
Brett.” I told Nick that when I tore my
ACL God did a lot more than just fix my
knee, he had to perform surgery on my
heart as well. During my recovery God
began to show me how football had
been my identity, how it had become an
idol in my life in many ways. He showed
me that He loved me enough to rip that
idol and identity out of my hands in order
that I might know Him more completely
and be identified as His and nothing
else. “It wasn’t easy,” I told Nick, “but I
wouldn’t have changed it for the world.”
Nick said he was up for the challenge and
headed into surgery the following week
expecting God to do great things. The
past few months have been like reliving
those days 16 years ago. I’ve had to
help Nick wrestle through identity issues
as he has also realized how much
football had defined his perception of
himself. I’ve had to encourage him when
recovery hasn’t gone the way he
wanted. I’ve had to pray with him as
God has been doing surgery on his
heart. But, the second week in October, I
will also get to walk with him onto the
field for his first game back in full action,
just three-and-a-half months after his
His doctor is amazed, his coaches are
baffled, his mother is surprised, and God
is receiving all the glory. I’d have never
thought 16 years ago that my set back
would one day provide push forward for
one the students I am mentoring.”
I love that. Their testimonies about their injuries and speedy recoveries are so powerful and impactful! They truly show Gods grace, love, and ability to carry us through any circumstance. Too often we throw in the towel and get frustrated and give up because of whatever may be going on in our lives. We need to stop and remember God is with us! No matter what is going on or how far away He may seem, He is there working out all the details. In the end He will be glorified and you will be blessed just like with my friend, Brett and his student. So take a leap of faith and keep moving forward knowing and believing God is carrying you to safety. Despite how devastating, or impossible your situation may be, trust that God is there with you figuring it all out because HE IS! If He did it for my friend and his student he will do it for you!
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