So there I went again.. I disappeared on everyone with no new blogs. I apologize. First of all my website was under construction. Hope everyone likes new look. I was trying to let it get finished before I posted anything new. Then on top of that… this month has just been one difficult circumstance after another. No need in getting into the “what happened” with everything conversation. This is supposed to be a blog to uplift and encourage others, not gossip or bring them down with depressing details. Just know when I tell you I was hit with one thing after another it was literally bam… a week later, bam again, then a week later bam again, then a week later, bam again and so on. As soon as I’d get over one then I’d get hit with the next one. I thought to myself, what in the world is going on with all this? How much can one person take?
I went up and down with emotions, lost my confidence for a minute, and felt sad and alone. While even though I went through a brief emotional period of unbelief and self doubt… God kept reminding me along the way that He was still here with me.
There are many times in life all throughout the day that these “coincidences” happen and we think, “wow, isn’t that, cool, what a coincidence,” but those coincidences aren’t just some casual happenstance in our lives. It’s God.. saying, “Hi, here I am, I’m still here, it’ll be ok.” Giving you little reminders He loves you and is here for you.
I love the quote by George Washington Carver that states, “I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we only will tune in.” I love nature. It’s one of the most beautiful, calming, peaceful things about this earth. When you’re having a bad day all it takes is a beautiful sunset, or the sound of a waterfall to calm you down and bring you peace. Well during my month of “BAMS” God continually brought me peace through nature.
Whether it was sitting by my waterfall in my backyard, or watching the clouds in the sky, God kept reminding me He was there. Two particular times stood out the most.
The first was just a happy surprise. A couple of years ago my mom gave me a hummingbird feeder for my birthday. I hung it right outside my bedroom window and have grown to love watching the little birds come feed. When the hummingbird season came this year I put my feeder back outside my window, but this year there were none. For a month not one hummingbird had come to feed. Then one day this past month I was sitting by my window watching for them and thought to myself.. “come on hummingbirds, where are you? Please come.” It wasn’t two seconds later when I turned and looked and there it came to feed and they’ve been coming ever since. I absolutely love it when you can just think something, you don’t even pray it and God still swoops in and says, “ok, here you go, let Me bless you today.” It was so powerful to me.
The next time it happened I was sitting on my back porch by my waterfall praying because I was upset and frustrated. I asked God what to do and to bring me peace. As I turned around and looked out the window a beautiful rainbow appeared above me. The colors were so vibrant and distinct and I knew God was letting me know He was there with me. Without a doubt it brought me peace.
Now fully confident, and full of belief instead of disbelief things are beginning to turn uphill. I thank God for continually reminding me that even when they weren’t, He was there with me. Circumstances will never always go our way, but when you are going through your own month of BAMS or even just one BAM take time to stop and look around for God in the small things around you. He’s there giving you peace, encouragement and love in smallest coincidences to most obvious rainbows. He’s even there when He’s silent.
Trust that His presences surrounds you and take time everyday to tune in and see the many blessings there to uplift you! Be back soon – God bless!
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