You know… I recently realized that in order for me to feel like I’m “ready” to write a new blog that everything in my life had to be laid out in some perfect order. For one, that’s just not reality or realistic in life… it’s no wonder you haven’t heard a peep out of me in months. My life has unfortunately been giving me one blow after another lately. Now I’m not saying I haven’t had some fabulous days among the not so fabulous ones.. I’ve had many, but I guess it seems like every time I get up, I get knocked back down again… but within that I’ve still seen the hand of God in the most profound ways!
For some strange reason from the day I started this over a year ago there’s always been a struggle to press forward with it. The whole reason I began this blog was to bring encouragement, inspiration and hope to those who might need it through my trails, triumphs and life experience. If I’m not doing that during the everyday dark times too then I’m missing the point. The everyday, weekly struggles are equally as important to share along with the big major ones! Along with amazing, and wonderful days too!
So, I’m not going to make any empty promises and state that I’m going to follow through with so many blogs a week or month. That obviously hasn’t been working for me so far huh?! I’m just stating that I’ve woken up to the reality that everything in life doesn’t have to be set in some ideal sequence of events in order for me to share my story. I will do my absolute best to make more of an effort from now on. It will mean forming new habits and pressing myself to open up even when I may not want to… but, I do feel called to do this and if I’m going to be obedient then I need to follow through. I must… because I don’t want to miss out on the bigger picture while I’m over here focusing too much on things that don’t need focused on. I want to thank each and every one of my followers! Thank you for your awesome support, encouragement, feedback, and prayers! Be patient with me as fumble through whatever it is that keeps me from fulfilling my calling. God has a purpose and a plan even within my struggle to follow through…. Changes will be coming so stay tuned!
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