Change is defined as something becoming different. For years and years after my paralysis, I became so comfortable with my surroundings, care, and routine that I feared any changes. There was reassurance within those things and I refused to let anything about it be different. Of course there were times when I had no choice because someone was moving away or something happened beyond my control. However, what I could control and keep from changing, I certainly would. Over time this led to some very unhealthy mindsets. I found myself doing things I knew I shouldn’t, just to keep things from changing. Since I couldn’t do things for myself, I felt like I had to control my environment in order for me to be okay.
Since long before my accident God has made it very obvious that He has been with me every step of the way. Why I feared He wouldn’t be here for me during this time too is beyond me, but I did! I have since discovered that change is good. Change is in everything in life. The tallest tree starts out as a small seed. Then with each season it changes and evolves. Every year it grows taller and taller. Even the earth around the tree is constantly changing. Rain washes away the soil and the blowing wind shapes and molds the earth’s surface. Change causes things to grow, shape and develop in to beautiful creations.
Change also brings growth, maturity and new beginnings into our lives. Without change we would stay the same and never move forward. Change is necessary to develop our character and lift us up to higher places. I have learned to embrace change, bad or good. Just as it states in Romans 8: 28, even when change is negative, eventually God works it out for our good. While change can be scary, it only brings positive influence into our lives – possibly right away, possibly over time. Why wouldn’t I want that?
Are you feeling the pull of God to change some things in your life, but fear is keeping you from moving forward? Are things already changing beyond your control and you don’t know what to do next or why it’s happening? Take a leap of faith and trust God through these changes. God is developing character in you and bringing new and beautiful things into your life to bless you beyond belief. Don’t fear, trust that God is with you and guiding you to new possibilities. Begin today taking steps forward and assuming some risks. Your faith and trust in God allows Him to move in your life in mighty ways.
Prayers are with you and especially mom as you face another drastic change in your life. God will hold you both in the days ahead.
Thank you very much, Kay! Hope you’re well!
Jessica, What a beautiful e-mail! I am on the top of the list for “No Change” – Thank you for helping me look at that prospective in a different way. And Thank You God for Jessica please Bless her and continue to use her in amazing ways to help others.
Thanks, Beverly, and thanks for the prayer!
Hey Jessica very well put and made me remember change is good as I will be going thru changes soon too but I know God is in Control! Still keeping you and your family in my prayers tell your mom hello for me if there is anything you need please let me know!