I haven’t really been inspired this week to write much of anything. I’ve felt under the weather, kind of sick, and definitely tired of the cold. All of it combined has not made me feel all that encouraging or inspirational. But, as I was sitting there wracking my brain trying to find something to write about, I stopped and thought my lack of ambition and inspiration this week is something to write about….
One of my favorite quotes is, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain”. That quote couldn’t be more fitting than for this week. I typically use this quote as a statement or mantra on how I press passed being paralyzed and still get out there and live life, but it definitely applies to everyday little battles too.
There are so many reasons everyday that we could easily just give up and say forget it to so many things. Circumstances get the best of us and then we just don’t feel like going on. Procrastination kicks in, laziness increases, and we find every excuse we can to feed what brings us pleasure instead of doing what we know we need to be doing. For instance, I managed to watch TV, play games on the computer, and browse through FB, but then still couldn’t find time to write my blog… Hmmm, that’s out of order huh! Don’t get me wrong, there is a need to have fun and take breaks, but not if that “fun” is keeping you from doing what you are suppose to be doing to begin with.
We will go through challenging circumstances quite frequently and as we do the desire to say, “I’ll do it later” will get stronger and stronger. When it does, take little steps to keep pressing forward to accomplish your ultimate goal. Don’t listen to what you feel like doing. Your feelings will always try to trick you into giving in to something more fun or more desirable. Point in case, I actually started writing this blog 6 days ago and I have let it drag out all week. What can I say, I’m a work in progress. Instead, lets make up our minds and be determined to put the important things first. If you live the way you should live by doing what you should be doing then your feelings will catch up with your decision to do so. I may not always feel like writing, but God has called me to do this, so I must find a way to press forward and get it done. Lets be people that live beyond our feelings and be dedicated to live a purposeful life! Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Get out there and dance in the rain!
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