Many times in life our circumstances get the best of us and we wonder, “Where is God in all of this mess”? If God is for me then why am I going through this? We live in a world that wants and expects everything now. We have microwave and fast food, on demand music, movies, and TV.. On top of several other get fast schemes like “get rich now”, or “lose 20 pounds in 5 days”..and the list goes on. We expect and want everything to happen instantly and when it doesn’t we wonder… “God, where are you? How come You’re not getting me out of this situation?”
Life can be very hard sometimes. Trust me, I’ve had my fair share of hardships. I’ve often found in my myself and seen in others that your circumstances often dictate how you think. Then you let your thoughts dictate how you feel. From there the cycle just continues to repeat itself. The more we want something to change, the more our feelings will act up if we don’t get it. Then we’re left completely upset, out of control and headed downhill into depression with negative thoughts racing through our minds. That’s truly when it can feel like God has left you abandoned and alone.
When life knocks you down and takes you on these emotional roller coasters how do we continue to press on? We can’t always change our circumstance and we will never be able to escape our emotions. We all want good things to happen in our lives, but it’s not always going to happen when we want it to. We have to make a decision to CHOOSE to look beyond our circumstances and learn to control our emotions.
Even when it doesn’t “feel” right, we can still live with remarkable joy and peace. How? We have a choice every day to respond to life’s incidents emotionally, or according to God’s Word or Grace. When God’s Word gets rooted in your soul it begins to change your mind, then it begins to heal your emotions. The Word of God is amazing. It contains wisdom, encouragement, comfort and inspiration for every possible human problem or dilemma. His Word brings peace and stability to our spirits and it will renew our minds (Romans 12:2). God’s word is truth! It brings a quit trust in our God that even though our circumstances and our feelings may be telling us something different, we KNOW better.
Trust is accepting the truth without evidence. That means not knowing how God is going to accomplish what needs to be done and not knowing when He will do it, but believing He will work things out at exactly the right time! Your job is not to expect it to happen instantly or to figure out when it will happen, but to make up your mind that you won’t give up until you cross the finish line and are living in the powerful blessings of God! The more you trust Jesus and keep your eyes focused on Him, the more life you’ll have.
So that leads us back to the question, “where is God in all this mess”? He’s right there with you waiting for you to trust Him. Search your heart, mind, and soul and if you’re missing joy and peace, you’re not trusting God. If your mind is continually flooded with emotion, you’re not trusting God. Trusting God brings existence and believing brings rest. So stop trying to figure everything out, stop letting your emotions control you and let God be God in your life. Once you finally do I guarantee the peace and joy you begin to feel every day is far worth it! The choice is yours!
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