When you are fully paralyzed, you loose a lot of control in your life. You go from being able to do whatever you want for yourself to, having little to no control at all. Someone has to help you do just about everything.
It’s a shocking transition, especially for me! I’ve always been a very independent person and tried to do everything myself with no help from anyone. Before my accident I even used to rearrange my heavy bedroom furniture around in my room- by myself- to get different looks because I’d get bored with it.
To go from that to nothing is quite the transition. In the beginning this left me very anxious and afraid. I thought if I couldn’t physically put things into motion for myself then how were they supposed to happen. I feared the future and stayed in a constant state of anxiety. It took some time, but as I let myself open up to new ways and new possibilities I noticed a shift in my thinking. That led to a shift in my fear and anxiety.
Over time I began to realize that even if it was out of my control it didn’t mean I needed to be anxious or afraid to keep going in life. When you focus on what you can’t do and what you fear about it you loose all your power. The drive becomes about the uncertainty and instead of it pushing you forward to a better place it pushes you back leaving you stuck in a bad pattern.
Everything seems so uncertain in the world right now with the Covid-19 pandemic. In the midst of this new way of living, I’ve been seeing a lot of comments about people being anxious and afraid as well. Similarly, it’s a sudden change that completely disrupts every one’s life. It is out of your control with no idea on what life will become in the future.
That is scary, but there’s a way we can still all grow from it beyond anxiety and fear. Speaking from experience, start looking at the whole situation with a different pair of glasses. Instead of focusing on what you can’t control, focus on what you can. Instead of focusing on fear, focus on hope.
As you begin to think these things it starts to transition into you doing these things. As you do, you move forward in life with new direction and no anxiety and fear. I personally can’t do this on my own. I rely on the Lords strength and help. I know no matter what He is there and working to restore us all through Jesus.
If you are facing fear and anxiety and the uncertainty of the world today shift your thinking. You will truly be amazed as you do that new possibilities start rising from the ashes as your power shifts! You will be full of peace and and have an open desire to KEEP pressing forward to better days!
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