In my last blog I talked about using our quarantined time at home to take a step back and to reflect on our lives. To use that time to see how we can grow and make daily choices to impact our lives to soar to new places, dreams and goals.
Before the pandemic and being quarantined we lived in a fast paced world of instant gratification with the need to experience fulfillment without any kind of delay or wait.
While having the ability to have access to things instantly is nice, it doesn’t give us that accomplished satisfaction of really working hard towards a goal and achieving it.
We are missing good old-fashioned grit. Grit the ability to persevere past failure. A long game verses a short game. It is the ability to persist in something you feel passionate about and persevere when you face obstacles. To have a goal and go after it with single minded focus.
Once we have conjured up the determination and grit inside us to press forward onto these new desires and dreams how do we turn them into actual reality? First and foremost you have to, have to BE COMMITTED TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!
If you are not committed to the cause it will never happen! When you are committed to something you are dedicated to the purpose at hand. When you get married you are making a pledge before the Lord, your spouse, and all the witnesses that you are committed to that relationship for your future. In the same way, you are making a pledge to yourself to be committed to your cause to better your future!
Then another extremely important factor to consider is your STATE OF MIND. What are you believing for? There is truly something to be said about the power of positivity. There have been scientific studies proving that the power of positive thinking changes your future for the better! Here are 5 of those scientific studies in this article if you’d like some proof.
Positive thinking doesn’t mean you stick your head in the sand and ignore your circumstances. Thinking positively just means making the best out of every situation, focusing on what you can control, and letting go what of what you cannot. It relies on hope and the belief for the best outcome possible. So make sure you take a look at your state of mind and believe you can achieve your hearts desires!
The next major factor in accomplishing your goals comes down to good old fashioned HARD WORK! Hard work is necessary to achieve great results. Look at the farmer. All the hard work that goes into preparing the garden, sowing the seed, watering it and working it. Then in time comes a bountiful harvest! Hard work is the force that presses you forward to achieving your goal.
The last major factor to remember is to NEVER GIVE UP! No matter what, keep fighting for your goal! Every day we wake up we have a choice of what we can do to move forward towards accomplishing our goals.
Search deep inside yourself and find that grit and determination to motivate you. Then CHOOSE to BE COMMITTED TO MAKE IT HAPPEN, pay attention to your STATE OF MIND and believe you can accomplish it, put in the HARD WORK, and NEVER GIVE UP! Before you know it you WILL accomplish your goal! BELIEVE IT!
My church featured this song during their “21 Days of Prayer” series. I thought this song was very motivating and puts you in that go get um, determined mind set! I thought I’d share it with all of you so it could let it motivate you too.
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